Club Info
We are a thriving club, with members interested in many facets of this wonderful breed, including conformation, field work, obedience, nose work and therapy. You can see a number of our members in the slideshow above. As a club, we have our regular specialties each year in August in conjuction with the Ranier Sporting Dog and Olympic Kennel Club Shows.
We now have a club newsletter. Thanks to club member Aron for putting it together and to the club members for their support. These are large files and may take a bit to load on your browser.
A long time club member and friend, Gina Wheelon, passed away suddenly in October of 2017. We've dedicated an Owner Handler Annual Award in her memory, to be given to the Best Owner Handler at each of our Specialties in August. To read more, click here.
If you are considering joining the PSESC Club, or are an existing member wanting to renew, please click on the form you need below: